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Deploy Process Overview

When you deploy your program to the LASR protocol using the npx lasrctl deploy command, it ensures your program is securely and efficiently integrated into the LASR network. Below, you find an overview of the deployment process, which is entirely automatic:

Fund Your Account

Initially, the command funds your account by accessing the Faucet, ensuring your account has sufficient funds to cover deployment costs, thereby preventing spamming.


The LASR Testnet/Devnet allows program registration without any fees. The blockchain networks of Testnet/Devnet offer a less risky environment for users to submit their programs or to test them. As blockchains require a live public network for testing purposes, Testnet/Devnet provides a suitable testing environment.

Upload to IPFS

Your program's code is then uploaded to a Versatus instance InterPlanetary File System (IPFS or VIPFS), a decentralized storage solution. This ensures your program is accessible from any part of the network. After the successful upload, you receive a unique Content Identifier (CID) that points to your program's code on IPFS.

Register with LASR

With the CID, the next step is to register it with the LASR Protocol. This registration creates a program account linked to your CID, making your program executable on the network.

Deploy to the Protocol

Finally, the command calls the create method defined in the program to officially deploy your program onto the LASR network. This step transforms your code into an active, executable entity within the LASR network.

Upon successful completion of these steps, you will receive the address of your deployed program, ready for interaction within the LASR Network.